Attention: This form contains information relating to
employee health and must be used in a manner that
protects the confidentiality of employees to the extent possible while the information is being used for occupational safety and health purposes.

Please Record:

  • Information about every work-related death and about every work-related injury or illness that involves loss of consciousness, restricted work activity or job transfer, days away from work, or medical treatment beyond first aid.
  • Significant work-related injuries and illnesses that are diagnosed by a physician or licensed health care professional.
  • Work-related injuries and illnesses that meet any of the specific recording criteria listed in 29 CFR Part 1904.8 through 1904.12.


  • Complete an Injury and Illness Incident Report (OSHA Form 301) or equivalent form for each injury or illness recorded on this form. If you're not sure whether a case is recordable, call your local OSHA office for help.
  • Feel free to use two lines for a single case if you need to.
  • Complete the 5 steps for each case.



Identify the person
Describe the case
Classify the case